
Everything you need to know about a Commercial Water Heater

As silly as it may sound, commercial water heaters unfortunately fail for various reasons, so it is pertinent to purchase a brand that is not only reliable for the business owner but for your customers and the business itself. Certain service industries that are heavily reliant off of proper water heater needs are: plumbers, hotels, landlords, and restaurants. These are all essential in their line of service and business operation to have the best water heater tank and warm water for their needs and the needs of the business.

While the selection of commercialized water heaters ranges and can vary in how the water is heated: gas, oil or electricity, this is something to take into consideration when choosing the best water heater for your business. Another type of water heater to consider is a tankless water heater, as this provides water without a tank by heating the water as it passes through the heater, providing instantaneous hot water on demand. Other types of water heaters to consider are solar powered water heaters.

No matter the type of water heater you currently have for you business or are looking to get, only you can know what your water heater needs are and how this will satisfy the needs of your business. Regardless of the type of model, size, or make, one thing to keep in mind is that after an extended period of time, they will all have to be replaced as no water heater can be immortal.

Key Signs of a Commercial Water Heater is failing:

One of the most prominent signs of trouble is when you attempt to use hot water and all that comes out is cold water. This is a sign of water heater failure when your water heater is not warming up properly or at all. This can be extremely problematic if lets say your tenants are trying to take a shower and there is no hot water for them to use. Should the water only be slightly warm but never hot when you need it can be an issue.

If you as a business owner do have staff or residents around that have advised you that the water is either a discolored tint, looking much like dirt or rust, or if there is a leak from your water heater, these are all indicative signs to have a certified technician on site to troubleshoot, diagnose and repair any of the water heater issues presented.

Most often times when problems such as these are occurring, not much repair or replacement parts can do the trick as in most cases, this calls for a whole new water heater replacement to be installed. This is why proper maintenance and care for your water heater is needed to ensure durability, longevity, efficiency and reliability can be provided to the business owners as needed in order to maintain and operate their businesses.

How to keep the Commercial Water Heater Working:

One of the most essential water heater components is making sure you are keeping an eye on your anode rods. The purpose of an anode rod is to divert the corrosion a water heater would endure by eroding the anode rod instead and replacing that more frequently, instead of the corrosion building up on your commercialized water heater unit.

Over time, as sediment builds up in the tank, so it is absolutely key to have your water heater tank professionally flushed annually if not bi-annually to remove the rusted anode rod and replace it with a new one. Water pressure that often times are too high, can also require the pressure relief valve as well as the temperature valve to be replaced as well. If not, it is important to have one of Big Sky Water Heaters technicians double-check the settings.

When installing a water heater for your business, it is crucial you have sought a qualified professional on the correct size of water heater to meet the demands of your business needs, as the wrong size in tank can cause problems with the heater to say the least. In determining the correct size of water heater tank, it is recommended to estimate the amount of water you will need as well as the size of the motor that will be needed in order to operate and deliver the amount of water needed.

While water heaters unfortunately do not last as long as one might want them to, it is necessary to remember that commercial sized water heaters do wear out over time and need to be replaced after several years of usage. With proper maintenance and care, this can contribute to an extended life span and keep your water heater operating at an efficient level until it is time for a new water heater installation repair.

How to choose a Commercial Water Heater:

First things first, in order to properly determine the correct size and model of water heater needed for your commercial needs, it is essential to be aware of the amount of water your company, restaurant, building or clients need to use on a daily basis. In having this foundational knowledge, this will help confirm you are buying and installing the proper water heater make and model based on the needs of your business.

A simple miscalculation of this can be extremely costly as well as affect your business if you do not have the necessities needed to operate your business and cause a business owner to lose customers. In calling Big Sky Water Heaters Everett, our certified technicians can advise business owners of the specific brand, size, and water heater unit to match the needs of the business. Aside from determining your water heater needs, we take pride in finding the best model for your needs at a reasonable price, while also looking into the efficiency of a commercial water heater.

It is important when choosing the best water heater for your needs, to also be aware of the energy efficiency it has, as this is a key component in the money a business owner will be saving on their utility bills in the future, as well as contributing to the lifespan of the water heater. Most water heaters last on average 10-12 years, however with annual maintenance and energy efficiency, this can create longevity in your commercial water heater, extending the life expectancy to up to 15 years if properly taken care of.