
Why Hybrid Water Heaters are a Better Choice

Hybrid water heaters (often known as heat pump water heaters), are water heaters that combine both components of a tankless water heater as well as the more conventional water heaters. Much like a refrigerator, hybrid water heaters tend to work in the polar opposite way. Hybrid water heaters are extremely efficient how they heat water, as they move heat from one place to another.

One of the key components that hybrid water heaters offers its homeowners is that they are proven to be two to three times more energy efficient than those of the more conventional electric water heaters according to the US Department of Energy. They are great at reducing the utility costs incurred by a homeowner by almost half.

Hybrid water heaters are also known for dehumidifying the space around them. If the hybrid water heater in your home happens to be one that is certified by Energy Star, these types of hybrid models generally tend to be of a higher caliber and qualify of water heater compared to others.


What makes Hybrid water heaters so appealing? For one, they limit how much water and heat energy is being used. The economy setting (also often known as the efficiency setting depending on the model you have), only allows water to be heated on demand. Much like tankless water heaters do.

If the demand for water increases, you can switch to the electric setting, which is the least efficient option of the water heater but can operate better with high volumes. That being said, there are also quite a few models that also come with a “vacation mode,” which is a great benefit to homeowners who choose to go away for extended periods of time without having to worry about wasted water and unutilized energy.


One thing to bear in mind when considering installing a hybrid water heater, is that the initial installation costs are much more expensive than those of a traditional electric water heater. Hybrid water heater installations are known for easily go up to $3,000 per unit, however due to their energy efficiency, they ultimately save you money over time. That being said, a homeowner can essentially recoup the upfront cost of an installation within a year.

It is important to notate that an average household is able to save between $1,320 and $5,560 with a functional hybrid water heater, according to the Energy Star Program. Prior to making any rash decisions, it is important to take the time to not only estimate its annual cost through the Department of Energy’s estimation guide, as well as speaking with one of our certified technicians at Big Sky Water Heaters Everett.


Most hybrid water heaters are installed in warm rooms such as furnace spaces or garages to make the heating process easier. Whether you are in the market for installing a new water heater or if you have made the conscious effort to go green, consider making the switch to a hybrid water heater today.

Big Sky Water Heaters is a quick call away with a team of highly skilled professionals to help walk you through the process and to provide estimates of what the water heater installation process will cost. At Big Sky Water Heaters, we offer a wide array of water heaters of all kinds, sizes, and models to help find the right fit for your household’s needs. We make it easy when it comes to all of your water heater replacements Everett needs. Call today!